Tuesday, March 5, 2013

100th post!

Alright! This is the 100th post, but unfortunately it doesn't coincide with me having a super duper bombastic news to share to you. But well, here's just a simple update that last weekend I half-participated in a garage sale event with quite a unique theme - Barang Mantan - things from the ex's. The things sold didn't need to be exactly things given by ex's, we could just make up the stories. I brought some of my framed papercut works that I did in the name of fun and experiments - those little ones that have stood and lain on display at home. I personally don't like the idea of selling my papercuts in a garage sale because I don't consider them as used or unwanted things. But I was with my friend, Farah, and my cousin, Grace, who were trying to get their clothes and accessories and shoes sold so I thought, I'd join in just for fun. I didn't make a lot of sales - not surprising because we only stayed half way through, it was burning hot. However, we met people, and we put slightly more time than other sellers how we wanted our set to look like, and what name our lot should have and what slogan we should have, etc. People actually stopped by our lot but mostly to take pictures (hahahahah). I happened to bring a bigger size papercut, A4 size Beijing map that I intended to only set as display only, but towards end of our stay, a Taiwanese guy named Bernie wanted to make a purchase. So, I had to say goodbye to that one :)

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